  febbraio 23, 2025  


Biography Riduci

Studied at the “S.Cecilia” Conservatory in Rome under Mario Gangi then Alvaro Company and Gianluigi Gelmetti, afterwards obtaining a scholarship to study in Spain under Andrès Segovia and Josè Tomàs (Santiago de Compostela and Alicante).
Three-year specialisation diploma from the “Perosi” Academy, Biella, under Angelo Giardino.

Recordings, Concerts, Tournées
Recordings of recitals for a number of broadcasting networks, including Suisse Romande, Televisione Venzuelana, Rai and Vatican Radio.
Has worked with Rai in Rome for a number of years, in 1981 recording a series entitled ‘The guitar and its relatives’ (Rai 2); in 1987, ‘Towards the modern guitar’ for Rai 3.
Has played in major Italian cities and venues, the most important being: the Turin Teatro Regio, the Concert hall of the Conservatory of “S.Cecilia”, the Rome Istituzione Universitaria, the Cantiere Internazionale of Montepulciano, the Associazione Musicale Romana, Florence City Concert hall, the Teatro Rendano, Cosenza, the Teatro Vespasiano, Rieti, the Rocca Malatestiana, Santarcangelo di Romagna, the Abbey of Pomposa, the Teatro Sistina, Rome, and the Teatro Regio in Parma.
Tournées in Spain, England, Austria, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, India, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
Summer 1997: invited to Rio de Janeiro, with the flautist Daniela Troiani, to represent Italy at the III International Flute Festival. The same duo took part in the 1999 “Flautissimo”, Rome, and at the International Festival in Brasilia, 2000.
April 1998: returned to the Czech Republic, performing at Ceca, Brno and in Prague, on the occasion of the International Book Fair in honour of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who was present.

Arts Administration
In the ’80s, worked for Rome Provincial Council as teacher and workshop organiser on the “Music in Schools” project, with M.Bortolotti, D.Guaccero and G.Piazza.
With Luis Bacalov, Georg Moench, Nino De Rose, Giovanni Tommaso and other well-established musicians, organised annual music courses and summer festivals for Mentana Provincial Council.
Organised and taught on summer courses entitled “Musica Insieme” (=‘Ensemble Music/Music Together’) in Poggio Mirteto, Rieti; colleagues included Boris Porena.
De Rose’s concert performances have always been solo performances or ensemble music, from duos to orchestra concerts.
1980 and 1981: organised a ‘Poetry Laboratory’, held by Elio Pagliarani, for Arci and Opera Universitaria, Rome, the culmination of a series of workshops held in the ’70s in the “La Tartaruga” art gallery in Rome, which encouraged a great number of poets and musicians.
As cultural director of the Associazione “Progetto Suono”, Rome, De Rose has organised numerous series of concerts (from solo to orchestral), together with concert-lessons for schools and master-classes by well-established musicians.
Organizer and jurist for the “International Guitar Competition”, held every September in Crotone.

Various composers have dedicated passages and sonatas for him, including: Franco Margola (Fourth sonata and “Five Impressions” for flute and guitar), Nino De Rose (Jazz sketches), Angelo Gilardino (“Saudade”), Davide Summaria (Fantasia for flute and guitar).
Owes his knowledge of harmony and composition to Giovanni Capozzi (the basics, and then some ...), Nino De Rose (harmony, tuning development  and improvisation), Boris Porena and Luis Bacalov, who acted as miglior fabbri, overseeing his first compositions.
All De Rose’s compositions – for solo guitar, double guitar, flute and guitar, and four guitars – are published by the “Zone di Musica” publishers, Rome.

Teaching and examining experience
Since 1977 has taught guitar in various conservatories; La Spezia, Bologna, Cosenza, Campobasso, and Rome.
Holds a summer school in guitar and guitar ensembles in Crotone, for the “Società Beethoven”.
Has held master-classes for the Rome Arts Academy, and the University of Brasilia.
Member on a number of national and international competitions, including the first selection board  for Conservatory Chairs in Guitar.

LPs and CDs for Carosello-Ricordi, Fonit-Cetra, Nuova Era, Fonè-Audio Review, Bajka Music, Bongiovanni, Guitart-Collection, Zone di Musica and Berben-IGS..

press Riduci

...A player with a a wide background of musical knowledge and experience, voracious and un prejudiced... a true professional... distinguished not only by his fine instrumental technique but also by the strenght and warmth of his style. He looks, sees and listens, absorbing what appears useful, and taking note of all the rest...
His repertoire covers all types of guitar music, from well-estabilished favourites to the strikingly unconventional. As an interpreter his art has often been placed at the service of revealing new compositions, to wich he has quietly given 'first performances' always with a high sense of professional responsability.
But his musical activity is not limited to concert performances. His radio broadcast dedicated to the guitar are examples of clarity, obiectivity and professional integrity. Besides drawing timely attention to the authentic non-sectarian characteristics of the guitarist's musical movement, they have also created a new 'spoken' style of guitar magazine.
Angelo Gilardino

I have had an occasion to work with Antonio De Rose and have so appreciated his ability, both as a teacher and as theoist of the instrument, that I have asked him to make a substantial contribution to the guitar volume in my new series of books on music teaching.
I have been even more impressed by the quality of his playing, the transparency of his technique, and his stylistic insights into the compositions I have heard him perform.
…Now that the guitar is being played at many different levels of competente,  and reaching ever wider audiences, there is a great need for instrumental players and teachers  like Antonio De Rose. The problem is they are hard to come by.
Boris Porena

I have  known Antonio De Rose as a musician for many years, and I hold him in high esteem. He has always aroused admiration for his musical talent, his analytic intelligence and his critical commitement, all qualities directed towards the goal of estabilishing a serious role for the guitar in the musical world.
Ruggero Chiesa

In Santiago de Compostela Antonio De Rose has always shown a lively interest and enthusiasm for music in general and for the guitar in particolar. I notice with pleasure that his interest has increased over the years. His recent pieces of research and interesting radio broadcast also bear witness to this.
José Tomas

repertoire Riduci


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